Had a very busy holiday.My sister-in-law and brother-in-law came here from Ohio with their three kids.Don't forget I have four of my own.The kids had a great time.I had them all outside most of the time.When they left I had to take a long nap.
Well I was able to get back to sewing after a couple of days.I had been seeing in sales ads and magazines Bermuda shorts.I guess they are back!I had simplicity 3867 D and it had some Bermuda short on it so I had some fabric in my stash so I made them.I don't know what kind of fabric it was but it did have some stretch to it.These short was very easy to make.They are great for the summer so I will make some more later.The tops I have on with the shorts are Simplicity 3956 view C.I made those tops back in December.The changes I made was I didn't use a zipper on the tops.I had alot of trouble with that,so I left an opening and added a button at the top.I would not try this because it is hard to get on.I can get it on because I have a small bust line.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Sewing projects
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Busy week
I have been working on simplicity 3877 and the skirt part I am having some trouble.I will finish this dress after the holiday.Maybe I can figure out what I am doing wrong.
Then my dd was not feeling her swim class this week so she cried and cried.The kids in the class is use to her crying.Maybe one day she will enjoy swim class.If you click on the picture you can see it better.Sorry for the bad photo.
We also celebrated my mothers birthday this week before she left to go back to Illinois.She enjoyed that.
My DH decided he wanted to build at deck this week.So my dh and my mothers boyfriend and my brother in law went to home depot and got some wood and started building a deck.I have some photos below.It is looking good.Hopefully they will be done after the holiday.I hope every one have a safe and happy holiday.My hubby working.
Posted by Jada at 11:41 PM 8 comments
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Simplicity 4107
Last week I was able to make my dd a outfit for her to wear to a birthday party.The pattern I used was simplicity 4107.I used a stretch denim for the pants. I used some fabric from JoAnn's tutti frutti fabric collection to make the top.The denim I bought it for 1.99 a yard and the top material was 1.99 a yard.The pants was very simple to make I added some stones to them with my Gemagic..The top was not hard to make also.When I had my dd try on the outfit she must of liked it, because she told me she loved me when she had it on.
Posted by Jada at 6:29 AM 11 comments
Friday, May 18, 2007
Yes will the Detroit Pistons do it this Year!!!Deeeetroit Basketball
And look at those Red Wings will they do it this year also.Red Wings!!
If this happen you know its going be a party in here in Michigan!!!!
While waiting for the boys to get out of choir practice yesterday.Went to TJMaxx and got this.
I think the inside was so pretty.
While thats it for me have a great weekend and enjoy yourself!!
God bless!
Go Pistons Go Red Wings!!
Posted by Jada at 7:15 AM
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
WOW we had some really bad storms here yesterday.Alot people had trees that had fallen in their yards.We had winds in some areas that was 60 mph.My two younger sons was scared so they went to the basement.It started clearing up about 10:00 last night.
I made this dress for my soon to be 5 years old niece for her birthday.This was a super simple halter dress with a scarf.It is Simplicity 5531.
Posted by Jada at 7:45 AM 11 comments
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
I hope everyone had a great Mothers day.Well guess what I got for Mothers Day.I GOT A CAMERA!! I end up getting a Kodak c743 I am loving it so far.Well for mothers day I cooked dinner for my sister and mother.I smoke a turkey that was so good.It take a long time, but it is worth wait.We all had a good time together.
I also try my hand at making my sister and mother a mother day card this year.It was fun ,but I have alot to learn about card making.When I went to JOAnns to look at the paper for card making WOW that was alot of paper. I didn't know what to used.So in the picture below is what I came up with. They love their cards.
Yes I have started on making Christmas gifts already.I made this scarf for my 9 year niece. I am looking for a cool crochet hat pattern to make her a hat also.The stitch I used for this scarf is the puff stitch and added the pom pom to it.I don't know if she will like the pom pom on the scarf.
Have a great day!!!
Posted by Jada at 11:19 AM 10 comments
Friday, May 11, 2007
I Have A Mother Who Prays
Some have had kings in their lineage,
Some to whom honor was paid.
I don't have those as my ancestors
But I have a mother who prays.
I have a mother who prays for me
And pleads with the Lord every day for me.
Oh what a difference it makes for me
I have a mother who prays.
My mother"s prayers cannot save me,
Only mine can avail;
But Mother introduced me to someone,
someone who never could fail.
Oh yes...I have a mother who prays for me
And pleads with the Lord every day for me.
O what a difference it makes for me
I have a mother who prays.
Author unknown
Posted by Jada at 9:21 PM 7 comments
Thursday, May 10, 2007
OMG I am missing my camera!!!!So far the two cameras I like is the Kodak Easyshare 653 or the Sony Cyber-shot S650.I should have one of them next week.
I have done some sewing.I have made simplicity 5531 for my niece for her birthday.This was a super simple dress.My niece is a little bigger than my DD.To check the fit of the dress I tried it on my DD.Before I could get the dress on her she said I don't like it.She is three years old what do she know about what she don't like.I asked her was it the color or the dress.She said the color.I wish I had my camera so you all could see this dress.
I hope I will have a camera this week or next week.
Have great day.
Posted by Jada at 6:48 AM 5 comments
Labels: dress/camera
Monday, May 7, 2007
We made it to Ohio Friday night safely.The kids was so excited about seeing their cousins.I was happy to see my sister in law and brother in law.I took some pictures of their family and my family. Went to my sons track meet that Saturday morning.I took more photos of the family.I got a picture of my son coming in second place on the hurdles.Had some good shots of him and his friends.My son never want me to take photos of him. I always have to sneak and take them.
My DD had to go to the restroom.I took her to the restroom and layed my camera on the on the plastic thing they had the toilet tissue in.Now these bathroom were nasty.So I had to put alot of tissue on the toilet.After she finish she tried to flush the toilet. I grab her hand and said no.So we went to wash our hand.I walk out of the restroom and left my camera.Went back to the stands to sit down.Thought about my camera to take a picture realized I had left it.Ran back to the restroom no camera.Went to the lost and found no camera was turned in.The guy at the lost and found said if they find it they will say it over speaker.While I left the track meet with no camera.I am so hurt!!!!
There have been a couple of times I went to the ATM and someone left their card I would mail it in to the bank. I have went to the ATM and someone got their money and didn't close their transaction.I close it up and mail their card in.That why I am so hurt about my camera.I would have hope someone would do the same for me.
So now I will have to buy another camera.I had a vivitar.I will appreciate if anyone can tell me what is a good digital camera or what kind of camera you have and what you think about it.The one I had was OK,but I think I might get a different one.
Posted by Jada at 6:24 AM 9 comments
Friday, May 4, 2007
Great Day
These are a few photos of what I did yesterday.The weather was nice.Had to find something to do outside.This weekend my family and I will be going to Ohio to see my oldest son run track.Yes it track season again.That's about a four hour drive I could get alot of crocheting done.That is if my DH don't make me do some of the driving.
Have a great and blessed weekend and enjoy yourself!!!!!!!
Went to the store just to get hot dogs and buns.Came back with all this.And I forgot the hot dog buns.Had to go to the store down the street to get some.Have this ever happen to you??
The best marinade ever.You must try it.
MMMM don't that all look good!!!!
Had to get this they were on sale.
My sweet pea enjoying the strawberries.Yes her hair is not done yet.Ha Ha!!
Posted by Jada at 7:07 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
This was a easy jacket.It had no lining ,I didn't want a lining since it is getting warm.It has shoulder pads.This was my first time putting in shoulder.The fabric I used was a pink denim.The pattern call for gabardine, poplin, twill and lightweight linen.No denim!!!!The only trouble I had was the collar. The fabric was so thick I broke my needle on my sewing machine.This was a butterick 4463 I made veiw C.
Thank Adrienne for your help on the links to my post.
Posted by Jada at 7:33 AM 14 comments