Well I had great weekend with my family!We took my teenager to a one day football camp on Sunday.
Friday I thought I was going to crochet and sit around and relax.No that didn't happen.
My son Justin:(coming in the house very excited) Mom daddy said lets go bike riding!!
Me:UmUm!! My bike needs to be fixed ,I haven't rode my bike in years!
Justin: Really!!(He left and went outside)
Me: Man got myself out of that one!
Justin:( coming back in the house running)Mom I fixed your bike!Are you going to go with us now.
Me:(In my head,I am saying I haven't rode a bike since I had him 10 years ago!)Yes Justin let me get my shoes on!!
Well I did have a good time.The kids laugh at me twice,because I almost hit a couple walking because I wasn't that good at riding my bike.I did get the hang of it as we rode.
Me on a bike!!
My son Lawrence hate taking pictures.I was able to get a few picture of him this weekend.I tell him that I am not going to have any pictures of him when he graduate.
My ds and our cousin at their one day football camp.
My ds talking to his coach at a practice game.
While that's it for me today!
Hope everyone have a great day and make it in all that heat!!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Good Weekend!!!
Posted by Jada at 6:37 PM 8 comments
Labels: bike riding/one day camp
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
250 count sheets!!
Boy O Boy my kids have keep me busy this week!!My dd and the little girl next door decided they didn't want to make dirt houses anymore, so they started putting dirt in each others hair.Mind you , my dd was under the watchful eye of my dh when this happen.So at 9:30pm Friday night I am washing dirt out of my dd hair.As you can see in the picture she was very sleepy after getting her hair washed.
Sewing projects!I had been working on these project off and on for two weeks.After reading Sheilaz Crochetz blog on sewing with sheets,I had to try it.The skirt in the picture below is made out of 250 count sheets.I bought a full size sheet set for 11.00$.I still didn't use all the fabric from the set.So I made my dd a skort skirt with some of the fabric and still have a lot left.Now when I see a white sale it can mean a totally different thing!!!The top I have on is butterick 4996 the fabric I used is a very lightweight cotton.I will be making this top again, I love it!The only thing you will have to wear a strapless bra with it.The skirt is simplicity 4236.
Well that's it for me!!
Hope everyone have a great day!!!
Posted by Jada at 8:27 PM 13 comments
Thursday, July 19, 2007
YES YES THE DECK IS DONE!!!Now all we have to do is stain it and put my patio furniture out!This call for a gathering with family and friends!!!Thanks to my dh and my mother's boyfriend and my dh brother its done!!!Well that's one job done and several more to go!!
Click on pictures to see it better!!
I finished the McCall's 5310 outfit for my dd.The skirt was made with three tiers.I made the top tier with denim material.I love this outfit, but it had a lot of gathers in the skirt and top.I hate doing a lot of gathers.Then on pattern review I was told about a gathering foot you can buy for your sewing machine.I will be getting one of these soon.
I hope everyone have a great day!!!
Posted by Jada at 4:40 PM 13 comments
Labels: deck/mccalls 5310 dd
Monday, July 16, 2007
I had a nice weekend.My hubby started working on our bathroom and trying to finish up our deck.He is working so hard.Hope to have pictures of that soon!For all his hard work I made a big dinner Sunday.I was able to get some squash and mustard greens out of our garden to cook for dinner.I made baked chicken,greens, onion and squash, mac and cheese and peach cobbler.The family enjoyed that meal.
My first Christmas gift done.I made this scarf and hat for my girlfriend dd who will be going to the North Park University Chicago for nursing.Her favorite color is red,so I used red sprinkles wool ease worsted weight.The scarf is 3" wide and 66" long.I hope she will like it.
This weekend I cut out a McCall's 5310 for my dd.She picked out the fabric for this outfit herself.She can't wait for me to finish it.
Hope everyone have a
great and lovely day!!!
Posted by Jada at 8:06 AM 16 comments
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Well my kids are very upset they lost their dog yesterday.He was hit my a car and died.My kids was crying and my neighbors kids were crying also.They say they don't want another dog.I hope that will change in the future.
Well to better news my teenager has a JOB!!!!!He is now a lifeguard!!!Now I don't have to pay for his gas in his car for a while!!Now you know I am going to have to sneak and get some pictures of him at work!!
Well that's it for me today !
Have a great day
Posted by Jada at 7:15 PM 11 comments
Monday, July 9, 2007
This is a taste of how crazy my hubby is! His brothers dar him to jump in our pond in the back yard! This happen on the 4th of July. Yes he is crazy!!
Posted by Jada at 1:08 PM 9 comments
Friday, July 6, 2007
I had a wonderful holiday!We had friends and family over for barbecue.Everyone brought a dish to the barbecue.That was a lot of help there.We all ate and ate and ate!Then my dh started a fire and we all sat around it and watched the fireworks.Wonderful holiday.
My son cutting the grass the day before the holiday.
Looking through my pattern stash came across this Newlook 6242 halter dress.I have never wore a halter dress so I decided I would try it.The fabric I made it out of is Linen blend.I did have a little trouble when I had to connect the halter to the middle section of the dress.I had to take it a loose three times and start it over.I think its because of my skill level in sewing.Other than that I didn't have any other problems with it.There's also a scarf on this pattern that will make to put around my shoulders.I finished my dd hat. Now all I have to do is make the bumble bee to put on top.She loves the hat!Well she loves anything I make her bad or good!!HA HA
Looks like a SAM I AM hat!
Hope everyone have a great weekend!!!!
Posted by Jada at 9:25 PM 14 comments
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
- Don't you hate when you have JoAnn fabric 50% off coupon and everything in the store is on sale and don't get to use you 50% coupon!
- Don't you hate when you are washing dishes and you cut your hand on a glass.
- Don't you hate it when make your plate for dinner and you already asked your kids did they want any and they say no.But after seeing your plate they changed their minds now you have to fix their plate!!!
- Adrienne I have one better than yours.Don't you hate when your dh tells you to order the food after I asked him three times what do you want.He say what ever you order is fine with me.He gets to the table and ask me did you order such and such.I just look at him with loving eyes and say no I didn't.
- Don't you hate when it a sale somewhere and you know you can't spend any money that day.So you have to pass that good good sale up.
- Don't you hate when you want to wear an outfit.When you find it you remembered you have to take to the dry cleaners.Now you can't wear it.
- Don't you hate when you start to post ,but you have to stop because somebody needs you to do something!(while thats okay)
- Don't you hate when you go to video store and they don't have the movie you wanted to see!

Posted by Jada at 6:01 PM 5 comments
Monday, July 2, 2007
I had a busy open house weekend.I had three open houses to go to.I love going to an open house when the child will be going off to college.I have a couple of pictures of some of the grads.The first young lady is my cousin and the second young lady is my good friend's daughter.
She will be attending the University of Ontario.
She will be attending the University of Michigan.
Well I did get a little sewing in Friday.I made this butterick 4785 fast and easy halter dress for my 9 year old niece for her birthday.When she open it up she loved it.I used a cotton fabric with blue leopard prints on it. Blue is her favorite color.
Well that's it for me.Hope everyone have a great day!
Posted by Jada at 11:01 AM 4 comments
Labels: open houses/butterick4785halter